About Us

Our Mission

Dynamic Financial Solutions

Koru Health is characterized by its commitment to advancing healthcare quality, accessibility, and innovation through strategic financial support and partnerships. By focusing on sustainable investment, technology advancement, and operational excellence, it empowers healthcare centers and hospitals to provide exceptional care and adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape, ultimately contributing to healthier communities and better patient outcomes.

Interim Leadership

Our interim leader is not merely a placeholder but a transformative leader who brings stability, insight, and strategic direction during critical times. By addressing immediate financial challenges, driving operational efficiencies, and laying the groundwork for sustainable growth. We ensure the organization not only navigates its current transition successfully but is also positioned for future success under new financial leadership.

Cost Reports

Koru Health is highly specialized with an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of healthcare financing and reimbursement systems. We possess a profound knowledge of Medicare and Medicaid cost reporting requirements, regulations, and procedures. With a keen eye for detail and a methodical approach to data analysis, we meticulously gather, analyze, and interpret your financial data to ensure accurate and compliant cost reports.

Reimbursement and Regulatory Compliance

Koru Health is distinguished by its blend of technical expertise, strategic insight, and unwavering commitment to client success. Through personalized service, innovative solutions, and proactive engagement with regulatory developments, we plays a pivotal role in enabling healthcare providers to focus on their core mission of delivering quality care, secure in the knowledge that their financial and compliance needs are expertly managed.


Koru Health is a strategic partner for healthcare organizations, transforming data into a strategic asset that informs decision-making, enhances financial performance, and ultimately contributes to delivering higher quality care. Through a combination of advanced analytics, strategic insight, and client-focused services, such a company empowers healthcare providers to achieve their financial and operational goals in a rapidly evolving industry.

"Koru Health has the tools to reach your goals."

David Myers - President
The Team

Our Experts

David Myers
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